Series of exhibitions and events with Le Wonder (Maxime Fourcade, Guillaume Gouerou, Simon Nicolas, Nelson Pernisco, and Basile Peyrade), Gwendoline Perrigueux, Charlotte Gonzalez, Rebecca Topakian, Pauline Robinson, Guillaume Lo Monaco, Gillian Brett
T2, Espace collectif & GLASSBOX
Paris, France
KIUASKIVI, HOT SAUNA, COLD TECHNO / GLASSBOX, PARIS / 2017 With : Basile Peyrade, Maxime Fourcade, Guillaume Gouerou, Simon Nicolas and Nelson Pernisco
(From artist-run space « Wonder »)
Before being the prerogative of luxury hotels, the sauna is a Nordic social tradition: with family, friends or even colleagues, people undress and relax in it. Before being the prerogative of luxury hotels, the sauna was forbidden: in the 14th century in Europe, the Catholic Church closed what it considered to be a place of debauchery. So today, in addition to being the prerogative of luxury hotels, there is nothing shocking about the idea of making it a place for festivities. After all, it's all about the well-being.
The "kiuaskivi" are sauna stones, heated by a stove (kiuas). Often volcanic, they are indispensable for storing and keeping heat in the wooden hut, but also for releasing steam. The Wonder Kiuaskivi also raises the temperature. Like the club, the sauna cuts us off from the outside and offers us an intense sensory experience in a limited time. The main difference between these two spaces, however, is that while it is customary to parade in the evening, the Finnish ritual requires nudity. It is liberation, a return to the natural, to what matters: sound. We are in an art centre but the discourse is not so far from that of the free parties. "Hot techno" was a slogan that was proclaimed as early as the 90s. The Wonder/Liebert plays with the formula: "Hot sauna, cold techno" - so it's a thermal and musical shock that we are promised. The dance is motionless but sweat abounds. The meditation usually induced by this hut is prolonged by the Tekno vibrations. In this cramped space, the bodies rub shoulders and tremble in unison. Spirits evaporate. We let go. This is Katharsis. This gives some meaning to the Finnish saying "Sisulla saunaan": Let's bravely go to the sauna.